
Financial Indicator

The below shows semiannual (key) financial indicators for five business years.
For details of financial data, please refer to "Financial Data Sheets".

  • Consolidated

*Certain figures of the cumulated Q2/ the end of FY 2019 have been restated to reflect revisions to the previous fiscal years' financial statements.
For details, please refer to the "Notification Regarding Partial Revision of Summary of Financial Information and Consolidated Business Results etc. for the Previous Fiscal Year" released on May 15, 2020.
*The Company has applied the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition” (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020) and other standards from the beginning of the FY2021.

Indicators per share

(Unit: Yen) Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
  As of Sep.
30, 2019
As of Mar.
31, 2020
As of Sep.
30, 2020
As of Mar.
31, 2021
As of Sep.
30, 2021
As of Mar.
31, 2022
As of Sep.
30, 2022
As of Mar.
31, 2023*2
As of Sep.
30, 2023
As of Mar.
31, 2024
Net assets per share 923.24 1,018.63 904.97 921.80 873.17 939.42 993.76 598.18 613.14 727.30
Profit (loss) per share*1 (83.08) 14.79 (119.06) (105.78) 9.77 76.43 78.44 126.70 63.03 176.56
Dividends per share - 10.00 - 10.00 - 20.00 - 30.00 - 40.00

*1Profit (loss) per share is indicated by figures for the first-half/full-year.
*2On March 22, 2023, we conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of our common share.
Per share indicators for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023/full-year are calculated taking such stock split into consideration.

Management indicators

(Unit: %) Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
  As of Sep.
30, 2019
As of Mar.
31, 2020
As of Sep.
30, 2020
As of Mar.
31, 2021
As of Sep.
30, 2021
As of Mar.
31, 2022
As of Sep.
30, 2022
As of Mar.
31, 2023
As of Sep.
30, 2023
As of Mar.
31, 2024
Shareholders' equity ratio 55.4 52.6 57.8 56.9 51.2 43.4 46.3 48.4 41.9 48.5
Return on equity (ROE) (8.5) 1.4 (12.4) (10.9) 1.1 8.2 8.1 23.7 10.4 26.6
Return on assets (ROA) (4.1) 1.4 (5.7) (3.5) 1.1 5.9 5.4 14.9 6.7 14.5
Payout ratio (consolidated) *3 - 67.6 - - - 26.2 - 23.7 - 22.7

*3Consolidated payout ratio is indicated by figures for the full-year.


Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
  As of Sep.
30, 2019
As of Mar.
31, 2020
As of Sep.
30, 2020
As of Mar.
31, 2021
As of Sep.
30, 2021
As of Mar.
31, 2022
As of Sep.
30, 2022
As of Mar.
31, 2023
As of Sep.
30, 2023
As of Mar.
31, 2024
Total number of shares issued and outstanding (thousand shares) 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 69,400 69,400 69,400
Treasury shares (thousand shares) 1,516.30 1,516.30 2,368.30 2,368.30 2,368.30 2,368.30 2,368.38 4,001.38 3,972.84 3,970.85
Number of employees (people) 1,352 1,341 1,285 1,266 1,271 1,193 1,240 1,259 1,309 1,423

Net assets per shareNet income per share

*On March 22, 2023, we conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of our common share.
Net assets per share/profit (loss) per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 are calculated taking such stock split into consideration.

Shareholders' equity ratioReturn on equity (ROE)/Return on assets (ROA)

Payout ratioAnnual dividends per share

*On March 22, 2023, we conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of our common share.
Dividends per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 are calculated taking such stock split into consideration.